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Tips to Plant Tall Fescue Grass in Your Lawn

Mark Preston

Tall fescue grass seed has many benefits for you lawn, and the benefits are many. It is a drought tolerant type of grass that does really well in dry climates and can be used on just about any type of soil. The nice thing about Tall Fescue grass seed is that it can grow tall enough to brush up against buildings and other structures, which means it does not have to stick up nearly as much. It is a good choice for the property owner wanting to have more grass on his or her property, as well.

If you are considering tall fescue grass seed for Kentucky, there are some things that you should know before you purchase. The first thing that you want to think about is whether you live in a semi-arid or a wet climate. If you live in a dry climate, such as northern Arizona or Colorado, tall fescue grass seeds will probably not do you much good. Even though there is some moisture in the air, these types of climates usually do not get very much rainfall. If you are looking for a Kentucky bluegrass type of grass, you may want to look into a different type of grass.

You also need to determine how much space you have available for planting. If you are going with a Kentucky bluegrass type of lawn, then you can pretty much plant anything you like, but the best results will be achieved if you have at least one square mile of open ground to be able to walk around on. This is because tall fescue grass seed takes quite a bit of space to grow. If you try to cover too much ground, the grass can become too dense and knotty to walk upon. If you have enough room, however, you should be able to successfully grow fescues using scotts.

Tall fescue grasses are a perfect solution for areas where other kinds of grass simply do not grow. For example, they would make an excellent lawn grass in areas that have never been planted with grass. Also, they are an ideal grass for areas that have lots of clay. Clay prevents weeds from growing quickly. However, clay can also deter animals from eating the tall fescue grass seed. Therefore, you would want to plant this type of grass in an area that has a lot of space and weeds are not an issue.

Another consideration is the cost of the seeds. Most Kentucky bluegrass types of fescue seed require you to pay around four dollars per square foot. Of course, this amount can go up and down depending on the area where you live and how much development is going on. Usually, it will depend on the quality of the seed and the type of Kentucky bluegrass you are planting.

When it comes to watering the fescue grass, it is important to remember that good watering is necessary to keep them growing. However, you do not want to over water them because the roots will be unable to absorb water properly. Instead, you want to water them just enough to keep them wet. You should water them about one inch before they start to brown.

Another important tip to keep in mind when growing Kentucky bluegrass or any other variety of fescue grass is to make sure that they get plenty of sunlight. Sunlight can damage most Kentucky bluegrass varieties, so it is critical that you give them as much exposure to sun as possible. This is especially true during the spring months when they are most susceptible to damage from sun.

The last tip to use when you are planting your own Kentucky bluegrass or other types of creeping red fescue grass seed in your own yard is to keep your mowing very close to an inch. This will ensure that you only graze your grasses when there is little or no foot traffic passing through. The closer that you mow your lawn, the less amount of sunlight your fescues will be able to absorb. This will help them to stay healthy and to stay looking their best throughout the year. Remember, if you choose a low-traffic-foot traffic pattern for your lawn, your fescues will stay looking their best and you will be happy with them for years to come.