How to Select a Rowing Machine for Your Home Gym

The past year has been a challenging time for gym goers across the country. Many people have opted to continue with their home workout and routine and haven’t returned to the gym following the recent pandemic. If you aren’t ready to return to the gym, you may have decided to invest the money you are saving into a home gym instead. One of the best machines for keeping fit and active is a rowing machine, and it’s ideal for burning body fat, strengthening your arms and legs, and giving you a great cardio workout. When purchasing a rowing machine for your home gym, consider the following items to ensure you purchase a durable machine that will help you keep fit and healthy for many years to come.
Water vs Air Rowing Machines
When it comes to purchasing a rowing machine, you’ll generally notice there are two options: water and air rowers. Both machines should still operate very smoothly, and you probably won’t be able to tell a huge difference between the two types of machine. Air rowers are generally much cheaper, so you are more likely to get an air rowing machine for a home gym unless rowing is the primary type of exercise you do. Water rowers have a very strong catch at the start of each stroke, which then becomes lighter as you finish. On the other hand, air rowers feel lighter at the start and then heavier at the end. You’ll need to consider if you have space for the type of machine you purchase, as many water rowers are much bigger than air rowers.
How Much Space Do You Have In Your Home?
After choosing the type of machine you are opting for, you’ll want to consider how much space you have in your home for your rowing machine. You’ll find a wide selection of rowing machines on the market today, all of which are very different shapes and sizes. There are some great portable models that are suitable for anyone who doesn’t have space for a permanent home gym setup, and you can simply fold it away and place it in your cupboard when it’s not in use. When choosing your rowing machine, think about the other equipment you might add to your space, such as a treadmill, exercise bike, and weights, and plan out how big you can afford each piece of equipment to be.
The Weight of the Machine
If you are looking for a rowing machine that you can fold up between sessions, you’ll want to ensure it’s very light to pack away. Some rowing machines with heart rate monitors won’t be able to be easily moved between each use, and if you want to move them to another room in your home, you’ll likely need someone else to help you with this. Be very considerate about the floor you are going to place your machine on, as you may need to put a yoga mat underneath the machine to avoid denting the carpet or scratching wooden flooring when using your rowing machine.
The price of rowing machines varies wildly, so you’ll want to think about how often you’ll use your rowing machine in your home gym. If you only think that you’ll use it one or two times a week, consider opting for a cheaper model. However, if rowing is your preferred form of exercise and you aren’t planning to return to the gym this year, you might want to look at a heavy-duty rowing machine similar to those you’d find at your local gym. The brand of rowing machine you choose to purchase will also impact the price, so keep this in mind when comparing the various options on the market today.
Included Guarantee
A rowing machine is sometimes a very pricey purchase, and if you are opting for one of the more high-end models, make sure you check if there is a guarantee included. There’s nothing worse than spending a fortune on a piece of workout equipment, only for it to stop working after a few months. While portable rowing machines are great for smaller homes, you’ll find they are much less durable and may only last you a year or two. It’s always a case of balancing the price versus the quality of the machine, so make sure you find a solution that’s right for your needs. A guarantee can give you some reassurance that your purchase will last a certain length of time and that you can receive a replacement if something does happen to it.
There’s a lot to consider when purchasing a rowing machine for your home gym, but by following the advice listed above, you’ll be able to find a machine that is ideal for helping you reach your fitness goals this year. Regardless of your budget and requirements, you’ll find a machine on the market today to fit your needs and the space you have in your home. If you are purchasing other pieces of gym equipment, you’ll find that all of these can be used together to create a varied and exciting workout plan from the comfort of your own home. If you don’t feel comfortable returning to the gym this year, even just one or two pieces of equipment will help to keep you fit and healthy for the rest of the year.